Thursday, June 20, 2013

About Me

Hi, I'm Kitten. I'm a submissive (mostly) gay trans man in my twenties.

I've always been passionate about sex education and creating sex-positive environments, but more specifically I've always been passionate about toys. I've also always been a bit of a know-it-all. With years of experience using toys, I'm the one who always gets dragged to the sex shop when its time for a friend's first purchase, so making the jump to reviews seemed like a natural progression.

I'm engaged to a wonderful cisgender man I'll call Mister XXX, who will help me review the toys intended for people with penises. We are proud parents of a wonderful cat-baby who may make an appearance from time to time.

What you can expect:

  • Unabashedly honest and sometimes snarky toy reviews
  • Articles about sexuality informed by queer, feminist, and trans* perspectives
  • Personal anecdotes and musings about my cat because, hey, it's my blog!

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